
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Am I Brave Enough . . .

. . . to post a snippet of my work? Yes, I think I am.

Today on the way in to work I thought of a little sub-scene that I just had to write down. Once I got to work, I immediately grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote it out. I caught it at that critical instant when all the words were still spinning in my head. It was like I was taking dictation.

~*~ The Cast ~*~

Tory Lawrence: the protagonist, a spy with an inherent magical power called starcasting.
Cecil Crowley: a fellow starcasting spy. Referred to by his last name because Cecil and Tory are not on a first name basis. Is a muscular 5'7".
Robby: Crowley's simpleminded cousin. Has something like Downs Syndrome. He's about sixteen.

For those of you who have read the novel, this take place at Crowley's house, just after Tory and Crowley had their Eye Contact Moment. I'll add a bit of context. For those of you who have not read it, this is sort of like a Regency Romance, but it's a Regency Fantasy instead. Except the romance aspect is really quite light, this scene nonwithstanding. And it takes place in a fictional world, not Regency England.


Then, I realized that we were staring at each other. Crowley bowed and I found myself curtsying in return. We had never exchanged such courtesies before. I would not have even thought that Crowley knew how to execute them. I was beginning to find out just how much I didn't know about Cecil Crowley.

And, I wondered, how much did I really want to know?

Then, Robby barreled into the room and flung himself at Crowley. He climbed up into Crowley's arms exactly as if he were still two years old. Crowley handled him with apparent ease and administered a few spine-jarring thumps on Robby's back. Crowley looked over at me while I stood mute with astonishment. He didn't look a bit embarrassed.

"He thinks of me as a father," he said.

Robby looked over at me. "The lady!" he said.

"That's Miss Lawrence," Crowley told him.

"Hello, Miss Larrence," Robby said.

"Hello, Robby."

Robby looked back at Crowley. "Wanna run!" He bobbed up and down in Crowley's arms as if Crowley actually ran while carrying Robby.

"Not now. Look. I'm dressed."

Robby immediately climbed down. "Sorry," he said. "I didn't see."

"Go to your Mum and get some biscuits," Crowley said. "I need to speak to Miss Lawrence."

Robby barreled back out of the room, yelling, over his shoulder, "Bye, Miss Larrence!"

"Good heavens--you run while carrying him?" I asked once he had gone. "He must weigh at least twelve stone."

He grinned. "It keeps me in good physical condition."

I was completely impressed and not just a little charmed. He didn't give me a chance to dwell on it for long.

"I have news," he said. "You are now wanted for arson."


I just love it when the words flow like this.


  1. That is nice. I particularly like the way you show Robbie and his relationship with Crowley here. That feels real to me, and that's not always easy to pull off with handicaps. {SMILE}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  2. Very nice scene. Dialogue flowed well.

  3. Such wonderful dialogue flow & characterization -- I want to read this book! Or perhaps I'll just wait until it's on the shelves at Barnes & Noble. ; )

  4. I'm thrilled that you like it Lisa! You KNOW if it's published, I'll be hitting you up for blurbs!

  5. You earned it. {SMILE}

    As a multiply-handicapped gal with a number of friends with various disabilities, I'm rather sensitive to whether these things feel right. I think you nailed it here. {SMILE}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  6. I'm the mother of one myself, Anne. Again, thank you.

  7. Kudos, Tia! I especially like the subtleties of the characterizations. Nicely done.

  8. Oh, good stuff, Tia.

    I love a man who manages children well and that includes childlike adults.

    Great way to end with a hook.

  9. Oh . . . it's making me long for the sequel!

  10. Thank you Maria, Kimber and Lisa. Glad to see so many of you enjoyed this. I'll post more of these on a regular basis.

  11. Tia, I really enjoyed this. Ever since you first talked about "Regency Science Fiction" I've been intrigued. Do you know of any other authors writing in this cross-over genre?

  12. P.S. I know about J.L. Langley writing Regency SF for Samhain, but M/M isn't really my thing.

  13. Thank you Joely! The only one I know of is Naomi Novik's series, which begins with His Majesty's Dragon. However, the attitudes in that novel are more "modern" than mine.

    The Death of the Necromancer by Martha Wells is another one that comes close, but I would place the timeframe as equivalent to the Gay 90s. She wrote a bunch of novels in the same setting, but I've only read The Death of the Necromancer. I enjoyed it--I really need to check the others out.

    You also might want to look into steampunk fantasy, but the timeframe is usually Victorian.

  14. Thanks, Tia. I'll check out Martha Wells, although she seems more fantasy than SF. I'm not much into steampunk really -- I really love the Regency or Georgian or even Edwardian! LOL, but the Victorians were so...grim.

  15. My novel is actually a fantasy, not SF. All the science that appears in my novel--such as it is--is genuine to the timeframe. No steam engines at all! I did take liberties with the invention of the revolver and moved it back in time so Tory could carry one.


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