
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Keeping Motivated

At times when it starts seeming too hard to break into publishing, I declare a break for myself. And that's what I'm doing this week. It's a writing break, something we all need from time to time to remind us that writing isn't everything and that everything isn't about writing. So this weekend:
  • I finished reading a very funny novel that didn't necessarily have an upcoming release date (something I consider for Debuts & Reviews).
  • Took a walk in the park. And not just any park, it was Devil's Millhopper Geological State Park. A big huge sinkhole festooned with greenery. Will post pictures later.
  • Had long and productive talks with my husband.
  • Went shopping with my daughter. Had hot chocolate in a Border's cafe and people-watched.
  • Danced with my daughter with the help of Just Dance for Wii. Not a pretty sight.
  • And now I need to call my brother.
 What fun, non-writing thing did you do this weekend?


  1. I've done the usual: hang out online. I'll be playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons tonight, but that's pretty normal for us, too. {Smile}

    Last weekend was interesting; we got to visit with a cousin and her husaband. They live on O'ahu, and don't get over to this island all that often. {Smile}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  2. Ooh, Island-hopping sounds fun.

    We haven't played AD&D in a while, but we still enjoy it. I notice you still used the old name (with "Advanced"), does that mean you still use the old rules as well? We bought the last of our rulebooks in the early 90s.

  3. Yes, island hopping is fun. So is hosting island-hoppers, which is what we helped to do. My cousin came here for the weekend, and we had lunch and visited with them one of the days. {Smile}

    Yes, when the third edition came out, we got most of the books, but decided that the new system didn't suit the adventures we wanted to play. Doing a slew of paperwork every other week because our characters have gone up yet again isn't my idea of fun, nor my parents'. Neither is retiring a character after only a year because they've topped out in levels. {lop-sided smile}

    Second edition suits us well enough, we barely looked into the fourth. If it weren't for the difficulty of finding new players, I don't think we'd have bothered to check. {Smile}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

  4. Outdoor activities (inline skating and biking in the summer) are one of my favorite past times. I haven't written in a long while, it sapped up too much time providing more aggravation than gain but I continue my outdoor activities and doing other things I enjoy.
    remember though when you are writing, that you do have a fan base.
    It is a hard business to get into - you really need to love the craft.

  5. Thank you, Lisa! Until I starting getting interest in the publishing world, I have to treat the writing of fiction as a hobby, so that's what I do. Its a spare time activity.

    Nonfiction, however, is a different story. It is much easier to get published in nonfiction (at least it was for me) and my plans include gearing up my nonfiction starting next year.


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